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Devi Ever announces new Effector 13 Console II

Devi Ever is tired of building pedal circuits and having to put every one in its own enclosure. So she has just announced her new cartridge based effects system, the Effector 13 Console II. The concept is basically like a gaming console, it even looks like the old Atari 2600 system, in that you buy the console, and the different effects plug into it like game cartridges. The console accepts 2 cartridges at a time and the way they fit into the console allows for a label that shows what each knob does when that cartridge is installed.

Several FX pedal makers have already commited to making cartridges for the system. These include Dwarfcraft, Fuzz Hugger, Infanem, Malekko, and Mellowtone. Devi says she is already planning on expanding the system with things like adapters so that DIY pedal builders can plug in their own designs. As well as making some kind of modular system for stacking different effects components.

It will be interesting to see if this idea takes off. It could certainly make experimenting with effects pedals easier and a bit cheaper too. The console will sell for $135 and the first 2 Devi Ever cartridges, the Punch Love and Soda Meiser will sell for $50 each.